Friday, 18 December 2015

Brandon Steven – Three Tips for Maximizing Fundraising Efforts

Brandon Steven is a successful capital investor and entrepreneur who owns a number of businesses throughout Missouri and Kansas. He is a philanthropist who makes regular donations to the Wichita Children’s Home and fundraises for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He is proud of his philanthropic work and the good that his fundraising does for the fight against lymphoma and leukemia. Here are three tips that will maximize fundraising efforts.

Brandon Steven

The first step to maximizing fundraising efforts is establishing a goal. It is important to set up a goal so that it is clear what is being worked towards. Throughout the fundraising efforts, it is important to raise that goal in an effort to maximize the fundraising results and encourage others to get involved. Setting high goals and then raising those goals is a great way to inspire others.

Although writing emails is faster and more efficient, when fundraising, sending handwritten letters is a better means of communication because it is more personal. Email can be used as a follow-up that will get instant results, however, handwritten letters remind and encourage people to become involved.

There are a ton of online fundraising tools that will maximize any fundraising effort. "Friends Asking Friends" is a great tool to utilize. It gives organizers the ability to set up a website that tracks the fundraising efforts, sends out emails and personal messages, and sets fundraising goals. Using online tools is a great way to keep others informed about the fundraising efforts.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society named Brandon Steven National Man of the Year in 2007 for his fundraising efforts.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Brandon Steven – Three Tips for Selling a Car Online

Brandon Steven is a successful entrepreneur and capital investor in Wichita, Kansas. Besides a few other businesses, he owns seven award-winning car dealerships in the Wichita area. He is passionate about the automobile industry and has been working in it since he was in high school when he began selling cars at the age of 17. Here are a few tips for selling a car privately online.

Brandon Steven

  • Selling a car online takes a lot of effort and time. The most important attribute a person needs when selling their car online is commitment. They need to approach selling their car with the same attitude they would approach a project at work or at school. They can't cut corners and they need to put some effort into selling their car.
  • Doing research is an important step in selling a car online. The seller needs to do research on the value of their car, how much similar cars are being priced at online, and how much they are being sold for. The price should reflect what similar cars are being sold for, not the amount that the seller wants to make on their car.
  • It is important to write an interesting and eye-catching description. The description should focus on aspects of the car that the seller enjoys the most. Lots of cars today have air conditioning, power door locks, power windows, and iPod hook-ups. While those components are interesting, they are not the most compelling aspects of the car and, therefore, should instead be added to a list of accessories versus being included in the description.
Brandon Steven opened his first car dealership after he graduated college in 1995.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Brandon Steven – Three Common Mistakes Made by Car Salesmen

Brandon Steven Is a successful entrepreneur and capital investor. He is passionate about the automobile industry and has accumulated seven award-winning car dealerships in the Wichita, Kansas area where he lives with his wife and their six children. He has been working in the automobile industry since he was 17 and opened his first dealership after he graduated college. Here are three of the most common mistakes made by car salesmen when trying to close a deal.

Brandon Steven

  • The first mistake that is often made by car salesmen is that they tend to talk more than they listen. It is important to engage with a customer and the best way that car salesmen can engage with customers is by listening to them. The customers should do most of the talking about the car salesman needs to learn about them, what they are looking, and figure out what he or she can offer them.
  • Car salesmen should never presume anything, and instead they should ask questions. It is impossible to sell a solution without knowing what the problem is. This is why it is important to ask the customer questions before offering them any kind of service. Presumption will not get a car salesmen anywhere with a customer.
  • Car salesmen need to find out what their customer’s budget is, but this often does not happen. It is important to know the budget of a customer so that the car salesman can show them inventory that meets their needs and is a realistic purchase. This also helps the car salesmen determine if helping that specific customer is feasible.
Brandon Steven is passionate about the automobile industry and is proud of the success that his dealerships have seen.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Brandon Steven – Poker Advice From a Professional

Brandon Steven is a professional poker player. He has been playing poker professionally since 2005. He fell in love with the game in 2004 when he noticed that his ability to reason with people and his superior mathematical skills gave him an advantage over other players. Here are few tips that will improve anyone’s poker game.

Brandon Steven

  • Poker players should never stay in a hand just because they are already in it. If they think that they are going to lose, they should get out before they lose more money. It’s better to cut their losses rather than incur more. The ability to recognize that a hand cannot win or be further improved takes experience.
  • Do not play poker when feeling mad, sad, or moody. Poker is not a means to escape depression or feelings of anger. Poker, unlike many sports, should not be played with emotions and instead needs to be played in a rational manner. Poker players who are not emotionally balanced on the day will play poorly and make costly decisions.
  • It is important that poker players are observing the opponents throughout the game. Poker players should take notice of players who raise often in certain situations, look for players who like to bluff, and anything else that they believe tips them off and gives them an advantage. It is especially helpful to observe opponents when not playing a hand.
Brandon Steven placed in 10th out of 7,319 poker players from around the world at the World Series of Poker, Main Event in 2010.